Friday, June 26, 2015

Some weird shit

I had an admirer email me last April. He seemed to hunt me down on the Internet via the Yahoo groups. He had on his profile in his interests everything that would fit my profile; women in my age range, hiking group, film, writing, single, etc. He found me and just kept bugging me that I was the one for him. When I talked to him finally, he sounded like he was holding his nose or something. Trying to disguise his voice. He asked me to friend him on FB and I did and his page was very weak. Nothing of a history on it. No family, nor friends really. I knew it had to be fake. I just had to try to prove it. This guy was not really harming me other than mental abuse by saying things and not being able to back them up. So i knew not to take them seriously. But what a lunatic. After a month or so, of course he had to leave Long Beach right away for work in Qatar. So there was no meeting him, because he wasn't really from Long Beach. He would leave me messages about how he loved me and missed me and was thinking about me. I couldn't understand it. How could someone feel so much about someone they hadn't even met yet? Nor had any conversations with that were mutually heart felt? I mean this guy actually asked me to marry him! Asked me not to see anyone until he returned. Wanted us to be in an exclusive relationship. I thought this guy needs some help or he is someone that knows me already. The FB profile is a fake. He sounds like he is disguising his voice. He is a fake. So who is he? And why me and why do this to me? How cruel!
After 6 weeks or so, yes, 6 weeks, I busted the guy. Well, really ya. He said he was on a ship, but I heard a car honking as he was speaking. I let that go so he could keep going on lying. then he sent a couple of pictures he said he took that day at work. I looked for the stock photos online and sure enough, there it was. I copied it with the photo mark and sent it back. I asked him, "Why are you lying?"
He didn't know what to say. He was about to confess. He asked if he could trust me. Then he seemed to change his mind and told me he was some black man from Nigeria. I didn't believe that either I told him. He sent me his Skype name and we were going to try to Skype and of course the Internet wasn't  working properly. So I just blocked and reported him on every app I had.
Then, the next day I received another email from another guy that is supposedly in the military in Syria. He has no Skype nor little picture taking accessibility. Everything is supposed to be trust on the Internet.. ya right. When guys can go and get laid any time they want to. These people from clear across the ocean want to talk to me an "connect" with me. Give me a break.
The whole fiasco just stirred up old feelings I had with my old boyfriend. Pisses me off these assholes just come out of no where and do this. Now all I think about is my old boyfriend and have to remind myself he is with his new girlfriend. Guys are shit. 

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